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/ Scene 96 / Scene 96 International Edition (Zyklop Software) (Disc 2) (1997).iso / graphics / artpacks / axf_0297 / axf97.nfo < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-02-01  |  47KB  |  604 lines

  1.                                                        gyyg
  2.             ,sP@ssgysyg j$$$   gysyg gyyg  ,sP@ssgysyg $$$$
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  4.            gysgsss$$∙$$ gys$sss$gsyg $S$$ gysgsss$$∙$$ $S$$
  5.            $!$$   $$.$$ $!$$   $$.$$ $!$$ $!$$   $$.$$ $!$$   gysyg
  6.      ......$l$$...$$;$$.$l$$...$$;$$.$l$$.$l$$...$$;$$.$l$$...$$;$$.......
  7.      :     @$$$__j$$S$$ $$$$   $$S$$ $$$$ @$$$__j$$S$$ @$$$__j$$S*'      :
  8. .....:..     `"²^²"` `"   `"   "`      `"   `"²^²"` `"   `"²^²"`       ..:.....
  9.     .: :$$$P@ssgys,   ,sP@ssgys,   ,sP@ssgys,   ,sP@ssgys,   ,sP@ssgys,: :.
  10.   ,d$:.:$$$$...$$$$L.j$$$...$$$$L.j$$$...$$$$L.j$$$...$$$$L.j$$$...$$$$L.:$,
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  12. $'     :$!$$sss      $!$$   $$.$$ $!$$   $$S$$ $!$$         $!$$__j$$S$7    `$L
  13. Q,     :$l$$         $l$$   $$;$$ $l$$ss$$ysyg $l$$   g@S$$ $l$$""""""`:     `$
  14. `Y,    :@$$$         @$$$__j$$S*' @$$$  `$$$$$ $$$$__j$$$*' $$$$___gyd$$      S
  15. ; `b,  :  `"           `"²^²"`      `"   "`      `"²^²"`      `"²^²"` !Sk¡   j$
  16. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           :__.,s$$
  17. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  18. ,g$ⁿ`          ⁿ$b  d$ ⁿ$S ,g@ⁿ"@g ⁿ$b    ,s@ⁿ"@s ⁿ$$"ⁿ@s ⁿ$b  S$            `S
  19. $'              $$__$$  $$ $$L__`"  $$""  $$'  $$  $$__$$  $$__$$             $
  20. S               $$""$$  $$ `"""ⁿ$b  $$    $$   $$  $$""$b .`""ⁿ$$            j'
  21. S,             j$ⁿ  ⁿ$ j$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ  ⁿ$m@ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ j$ⁿ  $$ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ          .d',
  22. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  23. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  24. S'   ¡ Axial Force Was foundeD on 12 November 95                          `ⁿ$,`
  25. !        by Iron Eagle & BaxteR                                             `!L
  26. l    ¡ First Release : December 95                                           `$
  27. i                                                                             !
  28. |    ¡ First MembeR Sweep : April 96                                          l
  29. ;                                                                             i
  30. ∙    ¡ Lomska Forsat joined us : December 95                                  |
  31. ∙    ¡ Wave joined us : March 96                                              ;
  32. ;    ¡ The S3MakerS joined us : April 96                                      ∙
  33. |    ¡ Ministry! became an Axial Force Sublabel : May 96                      ∙
  34. i    ¡ D.Leria merged with us : June 96                                       ;
  35. l    ¡ Next Member sweep : June 96                                            |
  36. ¡    ¡ ZeN Couriers our releases : September 96                               i
  37. $    ¡ Septic became an Axial Force Sublabel : October 96                     l
  38. Q,   ¡ Member Sweep : October 96                                              ¡
  39. `Y,  ¡ New Sublabel : Hot Tunes Productions : October 96                      S
  40. ; `b,                                                                        j$
  41. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  42. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  43. ,g$ⁿ`               ,g@ⁿ"@g ⁿ$b    ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$$"ⁿ@, ⁿ$$"ⁿ@,                   `S
  44. $'                  $$L__`"  $$""  "`___$$  $$__`"  $$__`"                    $
  45. S                   `"""ⁿ$b  $$    d$ⁿ""$$  $$""    $$""                     j'
  46. S,                  ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ  ⁿ$m@ⁿ ⁿ$bmm$$ j$ⁿ     j$ⁿ                     .d',
  47. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  48. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*,.,*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*,.,*ⁿ°"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  49. S' Name              `$ Function                          `$ Country      `ⁿ$,`
  50. !  ⁿ°"°"`             $ ⁿ°"°"°"°"`                         $ ⁿ°"°"°"°`      `!L
  51. i  Iron Eagle         $ Prezident                          $ Belgium          !
  52. i  LMG                S Vice Prezident                     S Belgium          i
  53. Q, Vanisher           l Internet Coordinator               l Belgium          ¡
  54. `Y,                   ∙                                    ∙                  S
  55. ; `b,                 ,                                    ,                 j$
  56. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  57. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  58. ,g$ⁿ`     ,s@ⁿS"@s ,s@"ⁿ@s ,s@ⁿS"@s ⁿ$$"ⁿ@, ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$$"ⁿ@s ,g@ⁿ"@g          `S
  59. $'        $$' $ $$ $$L__$$ $$' $ $$  $$__$ⁿ $$L__$$  $$__$$ $$L__`"           $
  60. S         $$  $ $$ $$""""` $$  $ $$  $$""$b $$""""`  $$""$b `"""ⁿ$b          j'
  61. S,        ⁿ$L $ $ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ ⁿ$L $ $ⁿ j$$md$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ j$ⁿ  $$ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ        .d',
  62. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  63. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*,.,*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*,.,*ⁿ°"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  64. S' Name              `$ Function                          `$ Country      `ⁿ$,`
  65. !  ⁿ°"°"`             $ ⁿ°"°"°"°"`                         $ ⁿ°"°"°"°`      `!L
  66. lⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"`"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°`°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ$
  67. i.                       ,s@$ A  R  T  W  O  R  K $@s,                       .S
  68. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  69. !s.           ,s@$ D I V I S I O N   H E A D : Iron Eagle $@s,            .sS!L
  70. |`°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""@"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""@°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ"""`!
  71. ;  Baxter       `ⁿm,  $ Ansi                         `ⁿm,  $ Belgium    `ⁿm,  l
  72. ∙  Swift           `!,$ Ansi                            `!,$ Brazil        `!,i
  73. ,  Seumo             `$ Ansi                              `$ Spain           `|
  74.    Lord Nikon         $ Ansi                               $ Sweden           ;
  75.    Unreal             $ Ansi                               $ Sweden           .
  76.    Raptor             $ Ansi/Vga                           $ Brazil           ,
  77.    Grilo              $ Ansi/Ascii/Vga                     $ Brazil
  78.    Da Bulldog         $ Ansi/Ascii/Vga                     $ Great Britain
  79.    Primal Rage        $ Ansi/Ascii/Vga                     $ Sweden
  80.    Get Merry          $ Ansi/Ascii                         $ Australia
  81.    Ghost^Face         $ Ansi/Ascii                         $ Australia
  82.    Snowblind          $ Ansi/Ascii                         $ Sweden
  83.    SkyKnight          $ Ansi/Ascii                         $ Finland
  84.    Minotaur           $ Ansi/Ascii                         $ Brazil
  85. ,  Dezeit             $ Ascii                              $ Sweden
  86.    The Overfiend      $ Ascii                              $ Sweden
  87.    Iron Eagle         $ Ascii                              $ Belgium
  88. ∙  Black Sabbath      $ Ascii                              $ Great Britain
  89. ;  D2Mac              $ Ascii                              $ Great Britain    ,
  90. |  Matt Smit          S Vga                                S Great Britain
  91. i  Quiz               ! Vga                                ! Sweden           ∙
  92. l  Slider             l Vga                                l USA              ;
  93. ¡  Korn               i Vga Animation/Vga                  i USA              |
  94. S  Gbrlknght          l Vga Animation/Vga                  l USA              i
  95. S  Zed7               | Vga Animation/Vga                  | Sweden           i
  96. $  The Gatekeeper     ; Vga Animation/Vga                  ; Belgium          l
  97. Q, Grafix             ∙ Vga Animation                      ∙ Australia        ¡
  98. `Y,Dfens_xfx          , Vga Animation                      , Finland          S
  99. ; `b,                                                                        j$
  100. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  101. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  102. ,g$ⁿ`                    ,s@$ C  O  D  I  N  G $@s,                          `S
  103. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  104. !s.             ,s@$ D I V I S I O N   H E A D : Grilo $@s,               .sS!L
  105. $ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""!
  106. S  Grilo        `ⁿm,  $ PPe/Crack                    `ⁿm,  $ Brazil     `ⁿm,  l
  107. !  The Thing       `!,$ PPe                             `!,$ Austria       `!,i
  108. l  Exogenesis        `$ PPe                               `$ Israel          `|
  109. i  Minmax             $ PPe/Demo                           $ Slovenia         l
  110. i  Black Eagle        $ Pcx                                $ Austria          ;
  111. ;  Parody             $ eXe/Demo                           $ Australia        !
  112. ,  Gebbo              $ Demo                               $ Sweden           .
  113. !  Da Bulldog         $ eXe/Demo                           $ Great Britain    ;
  114. |  Q                  $ Bot/Scripts/eXe                    $ Belgium          ¡
  115. i  Darkzeid           $ Bot/Scripts                        $ Brazil           S
  116. l  Ottoke             $ Bot/Scripts/Html                   $ Belgium          $
  117. ¡  PMC                $ Bot/Scripts/eXe/Demo/PPe/Utils     $ Sweden          j'
  118. S, Pieterke           $ Bot/Scripts/eXe/Utils/Win          $ Belgium       .d',
  119. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  120. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  121. S'                         ,s@$ M  U  S  I  C $@s,                        `ⁿ$,`
  122. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  123. !s.               ,s@$ D I V I S I O N   H E A D : LMG $@s,               .sS!L
  124. !ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$""""ⁿ$S*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""L
  125. l  Dj G-offrey  `ⁿm,  $  ,mⁿ`                        `ⁿm,  $ Belgium    `ⁿm,  $
  126. i  The Fantasy     `!,$,!`                              `!,$ Belgium       `!,S
  127. |  Yeti              `$`                                  `$ Belgium         `!
  128. ;  Dark Angel         $                                    $ Belgium          l
  129. ∙  Logik              $                                    $ Slovenia         i
  130.    Prosecutor         $                                    $ Slovenia         |
  131. ;  Verchy             S                                    S Slovenia
  132. i  S-Brain            !                                    ! Slovenia         ∙
  133. l  2CreepZin1         l                                    l Slovenia         ;
  134. ¡  Dr.Spok            i                                    i USA              |
  135. S  Dj Waxy            |                                    | Australia        i
  136. $  Grafix             ∙                                    ∙ Australia        l
  137. Q, Cand-Ice                                                  Thailand         ¡
  138. `Y,                                                                           S
  139. ; `b,                                                                        j$
  140. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  141. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  142. ,g$ⁿ` H  O  T   T  U  N  E  S   P  R  O  D  U  C  T  I  O  N  S   [M P 3]    `S
  143. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  144. !s.      ,s@$ D I V I S I O N   H E A D : Double-U & Serious B $@s,       .sS!L
  145. $ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""!
  146. S   Serious B    `ⁿm,  $                             `ⁿm,  $ Belgium    `ⁿm,  $
  147. !   Double-U        `!,$                                `!,$ Belgium       `!,!
  148. l   Gyfu              `$                                  `$ Belgium         `$
  149. i   Mastermind         $                                   $ Belgium          S
  150. |   Ratso              $                                   $ Germany          !
  151. ;   Quiz               $                                   $ Sweden           l
  152. ∙   IronLord           $                                   $ Sweden           i
  153. ,   Tycer              $                                   $ Sweden           |
  154.     Slider             $                                   $ USA              ;
  155.     Jawn               $                                   $ USA              ∙
  156.     Colinzeal          $                                   $ USA              ,
  157. ,   Gbrlknght          $                                   $ USA              ,
  158.     Nyte               $                                   $ USA
  159. ∙   Dfens_xfx          $                                   $ Finland          ∙
  160. ;   Luxton             $                                   $ Canada           ;
  161. |   Hemi               $                                   $ Canada           |
  162. i   Bmf                $                                   $ New Zealand      i
  163. l   Chameleon          $                                   $ Australia        l
  164. ¡   Tricky             $                                   $ Chile            ¡
  165. S   Raven              $                                   $ Chile            S
  166. $   Gurin              $                                   $ Chile           j$
  167. Q,  Lord Nikon         $                                   $ Norway        .d',
  168. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  169. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  170. S'                  ,s@$ C  O  U  R  I  E  R  I  N  G $@s,                `ⁿ$,`
  171. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  172. !s.            ,s@$ D I V I S I O N   H E A D : no one yet $@s,           .sS!L
  173. !ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"`!L
  174. l               `ⁿm,  $                              `ⁿm,  $                 `$
  175. i  Krysis          `!,$ National                        `!,$ Great Britain    S
  176. |  T-Rex             `$ National/Internet                 `$ Belgium          !
  177. ;  Ice-Cube           $ National/Internet                  $ Belgium          l
  178. ∙  Mikeone            $ National/Internet                  $ Zwitserland      i
  179.    Xose               $ National/Internet                  $ Argentina        |
  180. ;  Tricky             $ National/Internet                  $ Chile
  181. i  Korn               $ National/International/Internet    $ USA              ∙
  182. l  Antichrist         $ International/Internet             $ Germany          ;
  183. ¡  Ottoke             $ Internet                           $ Belgium          |
  184. S  Mastermind         $ Internet                           $ Belgium          i
  185. $  Axiom              $ Internet                           $ Holland          l
  186. $  Doc                $ Internet                           $ Poland           |
  187. Q, Mayweed            ∙ Internet                           ∙ France           ¡
  188. `Y,Matrixxx           , Internet                           , Great Britain    S
  189. ; `b,                                                                        j$
  190. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  191. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  192. ,g$ⁿ`             ,s@$ Hacking/Phreaking/Anarachy/Drugs $@s,                 `S
  193. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  194. !s.            ,s@$ D I V I S I O N   H E A D : The Thing $@s,            .sS!L
  195. $ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""!
  196. S  D-Fense      `ⁿm,  $ H/P/A/D-Writer               `ⁿm,  $ Belgium    `ⁿm,  $
  197. !  Jungle Bunny    `!,$ H/P/A/D-Writer                  `!,$ Great Britain `!,S
  198. ;                    `S                                   `S                 `!
  199. $                     .                                    .                 j'
  200. Q,                    ,                                    ,               .d',
  201. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  202. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  203. S'               ,s@$ R  E  S  E  R  V  E     L  I  S  T $@s,             `ⁿ$,`
  204. $ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$""""ⁿ$S*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""$°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*S$ⁿ""""L
  205. l  Name         `ⁿm,  S Applying For                 `ⁿm,  S Country    `ⁿm,  $
  206. l  ⁿ°"°"`          `!,! ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"`                  `!,! ⁿ°"°"°"°`     `!,S
  207. ¡  Wezoo-uk          `l Vga, Vga Animation Artist         `l Great Britain   `!
  208. i  Chuck Wicked       | PPe, eXe, Vga and Composer         | Brazil           i
  209. S  Mh                 i HTP                                i USA              l
  210. $  Vast               | HTP                                | USA              l
  211. Q,                    ;                                    ;                  ¡
  212. `Y,                   ∙                                    ∙                 jS
  213. ; `bⁿ"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ$$
  214. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__        Our Files Are Officially Spread by ZeN             ___.,s$$
  215. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  216. ,g$ⁿ`           ⁿ$$"ⁿ@, ,s@ⁿ"@s ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$$"ⁿ@s ⁿ$$"ⁿ@, ,g@ⁿ"@g              `S
  217. $'               $$__$ⁿ $$'  $$ "`___$$  $$__$$  $$  $$ $$L__`"               $
  218. S                $$""$b $$   $$ d$ⁿ""$$  $$""$b  $$  $$ `"""ⁿ$b              j'
  219. S,              j$$md$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ ⁿ$bmm$$ j$ⁿ  $$ j$$md$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ            .d',
  220. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  221. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*,.,*ⁿ"°"°"°"°"°"ⁿ*,.,*ⁿ*,*ⁿ"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ*,.,*ⁿ"°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  222. S' Board Name       `$ Number(s)      `$ #  $  Sysop       `$    Status   `ⁿ$,`
  223. !  ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"`      $ ⁿ°"°"°"°"°`     $ ⁿ°`$  ⁿ°"°"        $    ⁿ°"°"°"`   `!L
  224. lⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°`°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°`°"°"`"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"`"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ$
  225. i                ,s@$ H  E  A  D  Q  U  A  R  T  E  R  S $@s,                 S
  226. |ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°$°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°$°"°"$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ!
  227. ;  Footprint         $ +32-9-372.74.63 $ 01 $ Baxter        $   founderboard  l
  228. ∙  Spirits Of Hell   $ +32-15-20.67.49 $ 01 $ Black Muzi    $       world hq  i
  229. ,  Cyberbox          $ +49-441-3990032 $ 15 $ Sascha Klose  $    european hq  |
  230.                      $ +49-441-3990033 $    $               $                 ;
  231.                      $ +49-441-9396977 $    $               $                 ∙
  232.                      $ +49-441-9396990 $    $               $                 ,
  233.    Deep Waterz       $ +32-16-50.29.15 $ 01 $ Dr.k-os       $     courier hq
  234.    THR               $ +31-70-3401534  $ 04 $ SDC           $       dutch hq
  235.    Free Zone         $ +33-1-6934-2267 $ 01 $ Mayweed       $      french hq
  236.    Velocity          $ +49-40-6916197  $ 01 $ Paratoxic     $      german hq
  237.    Trioptimum        $ +41-313-027835  $ 01 $ Deimos        $       swiss hq
  238.    Digital Land      $ +42-7-788094    $ 01 $ Cosmo         $      slovak hq
  239.    Shaolin Island    $ +43-1-2144519   $ 01 $ Black Eagle   $    austrian hq
  240.    The Unknown       $ +44-1299-250999 $ 04 $ Black Sabbath $          uk hq
  241.    Infinity          $ +44-1382-862016 $ 01 $ Da Bulldog    $    scottish hq
  242.    Fuct              $ +46-26-134131   $ 01 $ Cocaine       $     swedish hq
  243.    Digital Motion    $ +47-22259784    $ 01 $ Rexazy        $   norwegian hq
  244.    Cyberweb          $ +39-331-310641  $ 01 $ Arachnid      $     italian hq
  245.    Wizard            $ +55-21-581-4725 $ 02 $ Grilo         $   brazilian hq
  246.    The Labyrinth     $ +1-909-682-3256 $ 01 $ Dreamweaver   $    south us hq
  247.    Malkavia          $ +1-773-205-0915 $ 01 $ Time Warrior  $  central us hq
  248.    Demon's Den       $ +1-213-662-0971 $ 02 $ Demon         $     west us hq
  249.                      $ +1-213-662-0972 $    $               $
  250.    The Sentinel      $ +90-212-5594082 $ 01 $ Acun Gezer    $    turkisch hq
  251.    The Stonehenge    $ +358-0-2249562  $ 02 $ Styllgadwir   $     finnish hq
  252.                      $ +358-0-22430024 $    $               $
  253.    Uplink Cell       $ +598-2561237    $ 01 $ Supremo       $     urugian hq
  254.    Unknown Area      $ +48-22-6653501  $ 01 $ Vibr8         $      polish hq
  255.    Crashed           $ +42-67-523247   $ 01 $ Igor Billy    $       czech hq
  256.    Paradise City     $ +7-0951123589   $ 04 $ Crypt Wizard  $     russian hq
  257.    Death Row         $ +385-1-326-357  $ 01 $ Mess          $    croatian hq
  258.    Dark Hell         $ +972-7-9972448  $ 01 $ Dark Angel    $   israelian hq
  259.    Digital Force     $ +386-61-1590856 $ 01 $ Minmax        $   slovenian hq
  260.    Scenet            $ +36-1-2282883   $ 01 $ Melan         $   hungarian hq
  261.    Downstairs        $ +45-96-340661   $ 03 $ Zteel         $      danish hq
  262. ,                    $ +45-96-340662   $    $               $
  263.                      $ +45-98-188132   $    $               $
  264. ∙  Magic City        $ +61-9-440-0624  $ 02 $ Get Merry     $  australian hq
  265. ;  The Core          $ +1-403-906-9434 $ 01 $ Mad Max       $    canadian hq  ,
  266. |  Hate Nation       $ +34-3-464-29-43 $ 02 $ Seumo         $     spanish hq
  267. i  Neurotic          S +352-31-33-77   S 01 S Houlq         S  luxembourg hq  ∙
  268. l  Infinity          ! +27-11-781-1961 ! 02 ! Chris         ! South African   ;
  269. ¡  Hurricane         l +64-3-NoT-YeT!  l 01 l Worzeel       l New Zealand hq  |
  270. S  Mapl              i +371-7-83-02-92 i 01 i Carlo         i     latvian hq  i
  271. $  Train of Cons.    | +54-1-652-1523  | 02 | Xose          | Argentinian hq  l
  272. S  Professional      l +354-45-37790   l 05 l Darkstar      l     iceland hq  i
  273. $  Telepathy         i +56-72-238630   i 01 i Tricky        i       chile hq  l
  274. Q, Escape            ; +351-1-2746171  ; 01 ; The Druid     ;  Portuguese hq  ¡
  275. `Y,Crypt             ∙ +66-2-7588890   ∙ 02 ∙ Cand-Ice      ∙        Thai hq  S
  276. ; `b,                , +66-2-7588891   ,    ,               ,                j$
  277. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  278. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  279. ,g$ⁿ`                ,s@$ D  I  S  T   S  I  T  E  S $@s,                    `S
  280. $ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°$°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°$°"°"$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ!
  281. S  Asylum            $ +32-59-32.40.94 $ 02 $ Sike          $          dist   $
  282. !  The Legends       $ +32-56-42.64.15 $ 02 $ Ortega        $          dist   S
  283. l  W<              $ +32-3-314.58.60 $ 01 $ Lord Mellow G $          dist   !
  284. i  Desert Illusions  $ +1-605-336-7990 $ 01 $ Raw Toxic     $          dist   l
  285. |  Echo Base         $ +1-517-772-1924 $ 01 $ Boba Fett     $          dist   i
  286. ;  Moonlight         $ +41-TemPoFFliNe $ 01 $ The Pirate    $          dist   |
  287. ∙  The Underworld    $ +41-22-9600621  S 03 S Syn           $          dist   |
  288. ∙  Outer Limits      $ +44-115-9746427 ! 02 ! Vauxhall      $          dist   ;
  289. :  Mater Pound       $ +385-1-215-132  l 01 l Mater         $          dist
  290. .  SL1210            S +31-43-3631724  i 03 i Ch:ilm        S          dist   ,
  291.    Distortion        ! +31-521-321608  | 01 | Sfinx         !          dist   i
  292. ,  Cybernoise        l +45-75-655888   ; 02 ; Undercover    l          dist   l
  293. |  Prevail           i +46-304-67836   ∙ 01 ∙ Ize           i          dist   ¡
  294. i  Itching Desire    | +46-8-6265711   , 01 , Wiz           |          dist   S
  295. l  The Core          ; +46-31-S-o-o-N    01   Raider        ;          dist   $
  296. ¡  Fire              ∙ +55-11-692-2794   03   Askani Son    ∙          dist  j'
  297. S, Mental Overdose   , +33-3-27330926    01   Zarkof        ,          dist.d',
  298. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  299. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  300. S'               ,s@$ M  E  M  B  E  R  B  O  A  R  D  S $@s,             `ⁿ$,`
  301. !ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°$°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°$°"°"$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"`!L
  302. l  Apollo 19         $ +46-472-19175   $ 01 $ Quiz          $   memberboard  `$
  303. $  36^Chamberz       i +61-9-4511673   i 01 i Ghost^Face    i   memberboard   S
  304. $  The Demonwomb     | +46-60-102666   | 01 | The Overfiend |   memberboard   ,
  305. Q, Infinite Dream    ; +55-11-72099048 ; 01 ; Chuck Wicked  ;   memberboard   ¡
  306. `Y,                  .                 .    .               .                 S
  307. ; `b,                ,                 ,    ,               ,                j$
  308. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  309. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  310. ,g$ⁿ`    ,s@$ A  F  F  I  L  I  A  T  I  O  N   B  O  A  R  D  S $@s,        `S
  311. $ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°$°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°$°"°"$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"$"°"°"°"°"°"°"°"°ⁿ!
  312. $  Psychic Confusion $ +32-56-34.85.34 $ 01 $ Master Mind   $   affil board   ¡
  313. Q, Probe             S +46-33-411336   S 01 S Jazz          S   affil board   S
  314. `Y,Virtual Death     ! +55-11-260-5135 ! 01 ! Maverick      !   affil board   $
  315. ; `b,                                                                        j$
  316. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  317. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  318. ,g$ⁿ`                  ,s@"ⁿ@s ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$S   S$ ,g@ⁿ"@g                      `S
  319. $'                     $$'  $$ $$L__$$  $$   $$ $$L__`"                       $
  320. S                      $$   $$ $$""""`  $$ $ $$ `"""ⁿ$b                      j'
  321. S,                     ⁿ$   $ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ  `ⁿb$dⁿ` ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ                    .d',
  322. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  323. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  324. S'                                                                        `ⁿ$,`
  325. !   New Headquarter in Poland: Unknown Area                                 `!L
  326. l                              sysop : Vibr8                                 `!
  327. i                                                                             l
  328. |                                                                             i
  329. ;                                                                             |
  330. ∙                                                                             ;
  331. ,                                                                             ∙
  332.                                                                               ,
  334. ,
  336. ∙   When you want to join us then fill in an application form, send it to me
  337. ;   (see contact) with some of your previous work. We'll see what you can do  ,
  338. |   and if we think you're good enough for us you'll come in the 'reserve
  339. i   list'. You'll come in the real memberlist when you made your first        ∙
  340. l   release.                                                                  ;
  341. ¡                                                                             |
  342. S            Iron Eagle                                                       i
  343. $                                                                             l
  344. Q,                                                                            ¡
  345. `Y,                                                                           S
  346. ; `b,                                                                        j$
  347. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  348. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  349. ,g$ⁿ`           ,@"ⁿ$s ⁿ$$"ⁿ@s ,s@"ⁿ@s ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$b    ,g@ⁿ"@g                `S
  350. $'              $$  `"  $$__$$ $$L__$$ $$L__$$  $$""  $$L__`"                 $
  351. S               $$ ⁿ$S  $$""$b $$""""` $$""""`  $$    `"""ⁿ$b                j'
  352. S,              ⁿ$g$ⁿ$ j$ⁿ  $$ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ  ⁿ$m@ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ              .d',
  353. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  354. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  355. S' Goa.Telepathy.FueL.Trash.InoX.Zionage.Hiv.LoD.The Mystical Members BBs `ⁿ$,`
  356. !  Triloxy.iCe.Poison.Lazer.Wave.Magic Island.AstroideA.Russian Legend      `!L
  357. l  Fischbratküche.Extremely Hot Warez.threat.traxx.Miracle couriering        `$
  358. i  Hidden energy.PhF.Immortal Couriers.Cyberbox.Foh.Sunset.CyberNet           S
  359. l  Moz[ic]art.Pain.Sunset.E/M/S.Surprise!Productions.T4F.F!MK.Digital Land    !
  360. ¡  Digital Reign.D.Leria.Ministry!.Intense.XTRSoft.MagneT.Ganja               l
  361. S  Brotherhood of Gods and Retards.GtI.Razor.Code.JfP.PSP.Tracktor.Outrage    i
  362. $  Dream.Dusk.Z E N.TF^T.HoC.eXcluSive.Beam.Pwu.L A T I T U D E.Candy.Septic  l
  363. Q, Technology Revolution.Andromeda.Headbangers.CsF.Pursuit.Kibosh.Sub_Natural ¡
  364. `Y,Sanction.Ambush.Garbage.sdc.Ildfrost.Coma.BaT.Elysium power.Quasar         S
  365. ; `b,                                                                        j$
  366. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  367. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  368. ,g$ⁿ`         ,@"ⁿ$s ,s@ⁿ"@s ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$b    ,s@"ⁿ@s ,@"ⁿ$s ⁿ$b               `S
  369. $'            $$  `" $$'  $$ $$'  $$  $$""  "`___$$ $$  `"  $$""              $
  370. S             $$     $$   $$ $$   $$  $$    d$ⁿ""$$ $$      $$               j'
  371. S,            ⁿ$md$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ ⁿ$   $ⁿ  ⁿ$m@ⁿ ⁿ$bmm$$ ⁿ$md$ⁿ  ⁿ$m@ⁿ          .d',
  372. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  373. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  374. S'          Iron Eagle       email               ironeagle@dma.be         `ⁿ$,`
  375. !                                              virtual hell.(msg)           `!L
  376. l                  homepage http://www.dma.be/p/bewoner/ironeagle            `$
  377. i                            snailmail            Iron Eagle[AxF]             S
  378. l                                                   Breden.Els.51             l
  379. ¡                                                      2490.Balen             i
  380. S                                                         Belgium             |
  381. S           LMG              email                     lmg@dma.be             ;
  382. $           Vanisher         email                vanisher@dma.be             i
  383. Q,          Dado             email            asuls@club.innet.be             l
  384. `Y,         Grilo            email               grilo@rio.com.br             S
  385. ; `b,       Hot Tunes prod.  email                hottunes@dds.nl            j$
  386. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  387. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
  388. ,g$ⁿ`       ⁿ$S ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$b    ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$$"ⁿ@s ,s@"ⁿ@s ,s@"ⁿ@s ⁿ$b           `S
  389. $'           $$ $$'  $$  $$""  $$L__$$  $$__$$ $$'  $$ $$L__$$  $$""          $
  390. S            $$ $$   $$  $$    $$""""`  $$""$b $$   $$ $$""""`  $$           j'
  391. S,          j$ⁿ ⁿ$   $ⁿ  ⁿ$m@ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ j$ⁿ  $$ ⁿ$   $ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ  ⁿ$m@ⁿ      .d',
  392. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
  393. $$@*ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"°"°"' `  '                                 `   ' `°"°"°ⁿ*Sg,.':|
  394. S' Homepage : Under big Construction !                                    `ⁿ$,`
  395. !  Ftp      : ftp.sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl                                        `!L
  396. l              directory : pub/music/groups/axf                              `$
  397. i             ftp.cyberbox.north.de                                           S
  398. l              directory : pub/sound/support/axf                              !
  399. ¡  IrC      : #AXF   Servers : Belgium        : dinf.vub.ac.be                l
  400. S               &                               irc.belnet.be                 i
  401. $             #HTP                              othello.ulb.ac.be             l
  402. Q,                             World          : irc.stealth.net               ¡
  403. `Y,                            Rest Of Europe : irc.funet.fi                  S
  404. ; `b,                                           irc.univ-lyon1.fr            j$
  405. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
  406. P"`.,gS*ⁿ°"°"°"°"'` '    '                                   ' ` °"°"°"°"°ⁿ*@$$
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  408. $'        $$__$$ $$L__$$  $$     $$L__$$ "`___$$ $$L__`" $$L__$$ $$L__`"      $
  409. S         $$""$b $$""""`  $$ "$b $$""""` d$ⁿ""$$ `"""ⁿ$b $$""""` `"""ⁿ$b     j'
  410. S,       j$ⁿ  $$ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ j$$md$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ ⁿ$bmm$$ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ ⁿ$bmd$ⁿ   .d',
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  413. S' Date    `$ Description                     `$ Artist         `$ Name   `ⁿ$,`
  414. !  ⁿ°"°"`   $ ⁿ°"°"°"°"°"`                     $ ⁿ°"°"°"`        $ ⁿ°"°"`   `!L
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  416. i  03/12/95 $ The BelGiaN BBs-LiSt       `ⁿm,  $ Blade Runner    $ AXF-BBS    S
  417. |  03/12/95 $ A little MuSiC PacK           `!,$ Dark Angel      $ AXF-MU#1   !
  418. ;  17/12/95 $ MuSiC PaCK  [1/2]               `$ DJ Mystic       $ AXF-DJM1   l
  419. ∙  17/12/95 $ MuSiC PaCK  [2/2]                $ DJ Mystic       $ AXF-DJM2   i
  420. ,  27/12/95 $ CD-Rom-LisT Creator V0.80        $ The Allmighty   $ AXF-LIST   |
  421.    11/01/96 $ Trainer For TeKWaR               $ The Allmighty   $ AXF-TWTR   ;
  422.    30/01/96 $ Footer PPe V2.0                  $ Dark Angel      $ AXF-FOOT   ∙
  423.    31/01/96 $ New File Scan PPe V2.0           $ The Allmighty   $ AXF-NFS    ,
  424.    09/02/96 $ Flippy Time - S3M                $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-FLT
  425.    11/02/96 $ Fantasy's Dream - S3M            $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFD
  426.    15/02/96 $ Armed House Music - S3M          $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-AHM
  427.    16/02/96 $ Music Pack #2                    $ Dark Angel      $ AXF-MP#2
  428.    17/02/96 $ Claudia Shiffer Collection       $ Blade Runner    $ AXF-CLS
  429.    21/02/96 $ TiM 3 Complete Solve             $ Blade Runner    $ AXF-TIM
  430.    02/03/96 $ Games-LightbaR PPe V2.0          $ Baxter          $ AXF-GAME
  431.    13/03/96 $ Music Pack #3                    $ Dark Angel      $ AXF-MP#3
  432.    16/03/96 $ Apply PPe                        $ Grilo           $ AXF-APP
  433.    06/04/96 $ The Beginning - XM               $ Abstract Mind   $ AXF-AMTB
  434.    06/04/96 $ Where Is The Sound - XM          $ Abstract Mind   $ AXF-AMWS
  435.    06/04/96 $ Cheats - April                   $ WaxWeazle       $ AXF-CH04
  436.    07/04/96 $ SySop Pager PPe                  $ DarkZeid        $ AXF-DZSP
  437.    08/04/96 $ Expert Mode PPe                  $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRXM
  438.    08/04/96 $ Internet Sites List              $ Vanisher        $ AXF-VNST
  439.    11/04/96 $ Don't Stop The Night - XM        $ Abstract Mind & $ AXF-AMDS
  440.             $                                  $   Chocobo       $
  441.    11/04/96 $ Are Am Eye - XM                  $ Abstract Mind & $ AXF-AMAE
  442.             $                                  $   Chocobo       $
  443.    14/04/96 $ Dominator[Remix] - XM            $ WaxWeazle       $ AXF-WWDM
  444.    14/04/96 $ Capacity Login V1.0              $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRCL
  445.    14/04/96 $ Comment to SyS V1.0              $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRCS
  446.    14/04/96 $ File Area PPe                    $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRFA
  447.    14/04/96 $ Enter Message PPe                $ Grilo           $ AXF-GREM
  448.    14/04/96 $ Press Enter PPe's                $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRPE
  449.    14/04/96 $ Upload PPe                       $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRUP
  450.    14/04/96 $ Zippy Scan V1.2                  $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRZS
  451.    14/04/96 $ Fuck User PPe                    $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRFU
  452.    14/04/96 $ Level PPe                        $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRLE
  453.    15/04/96 $ Dictionary For your              $ Black Light     $ AXF-SD96
  454.             $  password Cracker                $                 $
  455.    15/04/96 $ Dictionary for your              $ Black Light     $ AXF1SD96
  456.             $  password cracker 1/5            $                 $
  457.    15/04/96 $ Dictionary for your              $ Black Light     $ AXF2SD96
  458.             $  password cracker 2/5            $                 $
  459.    15/04/96 $ Dictionary for your              $ Black Light     $ AXF3SD96
  460.             $  password cracker 3/5            $                 $
  461.    15/04/96 $ Dictionary for your              $ Black Light     $ AXF4SD96
  462.             $  password cracker 4/5            $                 $
  463.    15/04/96 $ Dictionary for your              $ Black Light     $ AXF5SD96
  464.             $  password cracker 5/5            $                 $
  465.    21/04/96 $ Pumper PPe                       $ DarkZeid        $ AXF-DZPM
  466.    25/04/96 $ Brain Invasion - MoD             $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFBI
  467.    26/04/96 $ NuV PPe v1.1                     $ Dark Angel      $ AXF-DANV
  468.    28/04/96 $ Clouds Of BlooD - S3M            $ CandyMan        $ AXF-CMCB
  469.    28/04/96 $ Always Loving You - S3M          $ CandyMan        $ AXF-CMAL
  470.    28/04/96 $ The Shine Of Your EyeS - S3M     $ CandyMan        $ AXF-CMSE
  471.    28/04/96 $ The Black Souls - S3M            $ CandyMan        $ AXF-CMBS
  472.    28/04/96 $ 666 The Number Of The            $ CandyMan        $ AXF-CM66
  473.             $  Demon - S3M                     $                 $
  474.    28/04/96 $ Dance Music Funk - S3M           $ CandyMan        $ AXF-CMDM
  475.    28/04/96 $ Boink Boink Boink - XM           $ WaxWeazle       $ AXF-WWBB
  476.    30/04/96 $ Hello To The Earth - S3M         $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFHE
  477.    30/04/96 $ Get Busy - XM                    $ Abstract Mind & $ AXF-ACGB
  478.             $                                  $   Chocobo       $
  479.    30/04/96 $ Planet GoA Part II - XM          $ Abstract Mind & $ AXF-ACPG
  480.             $                                  $   Chocobo       $
  481.    30/04/96 $ Woofer Mover - XM                $ Abstract Mind   $ AXF-AMWF
  482.    02/05/96 $ German Reanault AG -Scan-        $ Black Light     $ AXF-BLGR
  483.    02/05/96 $ The Nation Megamix               $ Abstract Mind   $ AXF-AMNM
  484.    07/05/96 $ Enter Message PPe-BugFixeD       $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRMB
  485.    07/05/96 $ Animated PrompT PPe              $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRAP
  486.    07/05/96 $ CD Menu V1.0                     $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRCD
  487.    07/05/96 $ ReVolutioN Chatter               $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRRC
  488.    07/05/96 $ Multi Logon PPe                  $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRML
  489.    08/05/96 $ Bill-Counter PPe V1.0            $ WaxWeazle       $ AXF-WWBI
  490.    10/05/96 $ HarDwaX MusicdisK                $ Abstract Mind   $ AXF-AMHW
  491.    16/05/96 $ AnjA - XM                        $ WaxWeazle       $ AXF-WWAJ
  492.    18/05/96 $ DaNi - S3M                       $ Digao           $ AXF-DGDN
  493.    21/05/96 $ The Undersound - S3M             $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFUN
  494.    23/05/96 $ Keep On Moving - XM              $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFKO
  495.    02/06/96 $ One Liner PPe                    $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRLN
  496.    10/06/96 $ Ministry! : Breaking Into Cars   $ D-Fense         $ AXF-DFCA
  497.    10/06/96 $ Handle Changer PPe               $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRHA
  498.    12/06/96 $ Wave - XM                        $ Dark Angel      $ AXF-DAWV
  499.    20/06/96 $ Relaxation - XM                  $ Rave Master     $ AXF-RMRL
  500.    22/06/96 $ A Boring SundaY - XM             $ Rave Master     $ AXF-RMSU
  501.    27/06/96 $ Complete IrC Guide               $ Fitzroy         $ AXF-FRIR
  502.    07/07/96 $ Ice Mountain XM Pack             $ Rave Master     $ AXF-RMIM
  503.    17/07/96 $ Graphix Pack                     $ The Ripper      $ AXF-TRGP
  504.    26/08/96 $ Zippy Text Search 2.0 PPe        $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRZT
  505.    26/08/96 $ File All PPe                     $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRFL
  506.    04/09/96 $ Logoff PPe                       $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRLF
  507.    12/09/96 $ Tyrerbot                         $ DarkZeid        $ AXF-DZTB
  508.    28/09/96 $ Solo Music Pack                  $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFMP
  509.    29/09/96 $ Ultimate Comment To Sysop PPe    $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRUC
  510.    29/09/96 $ Fart Security Level PPe          $ Grilo           $ AXF-GRFS
  511.    02/10/96 $ Complete #AXF guide              $ Vanisher        $ AXF-VNAG
  512.    05/10/96 $ September Art Pack               $ Various         $ AXF-AP#1
  513.    08/10/96 $ The Craft - S3M                  $ Candyman        $ AXF-CMTC
  514.    11/10/96 $ Going To Heaven - MoD            $ Mercenary       $ AXF-MCGH
  515.    11/10/96 $ A time To Play - XM              $ Dj Waxy         $ AXF-DWTP
  516.    15/10/96 $ Run PPe                          $ Seumo           $ AXF-SMRU
  517.    17/10/96 $ Don't Mind your Mind - XM        $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFMM
  518.    18/10/96 $ Crazy - IT                       $ Cnl. Stavross   $ AXF-CSCR
  519.    21/10/96 $ Ministry! : Mean Money Machine   $ D-fense         $ AXF-DFMM
  520.    21/10/96 $ Ministry! : Smiley Guide         $ D-fense         $ AXF-DFSG
  521.    22/10/96 $ Septic : Can't Stop Raving - IT  $ Prosecutor &    $ AXF-PVSR
  522.             $                                  $   Verchy        $
  523.    23/10/96 $ The Return - IT                  $ Dr.Spok         $ AXF-DSTR
  524.    01/11/96 $ October Art Pack                 $ Various         $ AXF-AP10
  525.    02/11/96 $ October Vga Animation Art Pack   $ Grafix          $ AXF-AN10
  526.    11/11/96 $ Another Place - XM               $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFAP
  527.    11/11/96 $ Micky - XM                       $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFMC
  528.    11/11/96 $ Mr. Weird - XM                   $ Dj Waxy         $ AXF-DWMW
  529.    11/11/96 $ Mr. Weird Jnr. - XM              $ Dj Waxy         $ AXF-DWWJ
  530.    11/11/96 $ X-pecial Techno                  $ Xose            $ AXF-XOXT
  531.    13/11/96 $ AxF 1 Year Aniversary Demo       $ Parody          $ AXF-PD1Y
  532.    13/11/96 $ Ministry's Kissing Technique     $ D-fense         $ AXF-DFKT
  533.    02/12/96 $ December Art Pack 1/3            $ Various         $ AXF0296A
  534.    02/12/96 $ December Art Pack 2/3            $ Various         $ AXF0296B
  535.    02/12/96 $ December Art Pack 3/3            $ Various         $ AXF0296C
  536.    08/12/96 $ Warez Requestor PPe v1.0         $ Minmax          $ AXF-MMWR
  537.    08/12/96 $ Harmonious Dreams - XM           $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFHD
  538.    08/12/96 $ Cool Groove - XM                 $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TFCG
  539.    08/12/96 $ 2 Be-Tranced - XM                $ The Fantasy     $ AXF-TF2B
  540.    08/12/96 $ Septic : Hyper Hyper[remix] - IT $ Verchy          $ AXF-VCHH
  541.    08/12/96 $ Septic : Rave Vibes - IT         $ S-Brain         $ AXF-SBRV
  542.    08/12/96 $ Mr.Awfull -XM                    $ Dj Waxy         $ AXF-DWMA
  543.    09/12/96 $ Ayla                             $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H001
  544.    09/12/96 $ Fugee Chinese Order              $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H002
  545.    09/12/96 $ outrageous                       $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H003
  546.    09/12/96 $ Rio                              $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H004
  547.    09/12/96 $ Fiesta De Los Tambo.             $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H005
  548.    09/12/96 $ Mirror Of Love                   $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H006
  549.    09/12/96 $ Biotech Is Godzilla              $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H007
  550.    09/12/96 $ Aquarius & We Are The World      $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H008
  551.    09/12/96 $ I'm Alive                        $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H009
  552.    09/12/96 $ Complex Illusions - IT           $ Logik           $ AXF-LGCI
  553.    09/12/96 $ The Critical Point - IT          $ Logik           $ AXF-LGCP
  554.    09/12/96 $ Did Someone Say Trance? - IT     $ Logik           $ AXF-LGTR
  555.    09/12/96 $ Mind War - IT                    $ Dr.Spok         $ AXF-DSMW
  556.    09/12/96 $ Cyber Experience I - IT          $ S-Brain         $ AXF-SBCE
  557.    09/12/96 $ Trancy Land - IT                 $ S-Brain         $ AXF-SBTL
  558.    09/12/96 $ Vampire's Wedding - S3M          $ Cj Japa         $ AXF-JPVW
  559.    18/12/96 $ Strings Of Life (D. May '87)     $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H010
  560.    18/12/96 $ Feel The Sunshine                $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H011
  561.    18/12/96 $ Extra (Dave Angel Remix)         $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H012
  562.    21/12/96 $ It's Margret Cho                 $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H013
  563.    21/12/96 $ $13,000 Is a Lot of Food         $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H014
  564.    21/12/96 $ Should've Stayed Home Tonight    $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H015
  565.    21/12/96 $ She Cries                        $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H016
  566.    21/12/96 $ Everyeone                        $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H017
  567.    21/12/96 $ Carry on                         $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H018
  568. ,  21/12/96 $ Fighting Time                    $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H019
  569.    21/12/96 $ Took a Walk                      $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H020
  570. .  21/12/96 $ Rude Girl                        $ HTP-CreW        $ AXF-H021
  571.    21/12/96 $ Frivolance - S3M                 $ Grafix          $ AXF-GFFV
  572.    21/12/96 $ Loud & Clear - XM                $ Dj G-offrey     $ AXF-GOLC
  573. ;  21/12/96 $ Splinter - XM                    $ Dj G-offrey     $ AXF-GOSP   ,
  574. |  21/12/96 $ Toxa-Eniamus - XM                $ Dj G-offrey     $ AXF-GOTE
  575. i  21/12/96 S Virtual Dreams - IT              S Verchy          S AXF-VCVD   ∙
  576. l  28/12/96 ! The Badge                        ! HTP-CreW        ! AXF-H022   ;
  577. ¡  28/12/96 l Fucking Hostile                  l HTP-CreW        l AXF-H023   |
  578. S  28/12/96 i Corazon De Sandia                i HTP-CreW        i AXF-H024   i
  579. $  02/01/97 | January Art Pack                 | Art Team        | AXF-0197   l
  580. Q, 06/01/97 ; Tired Of Sex                     ; HTP-Crew        ; AXF-H025   ¡
  581. `Y,01/02/97 ∙ February Art Pack                ∙ Art Team        ∙ AXF-0297   S
  582. ; `b,       ,                                  ,                 ,           j$
  583. i:,.`ⁿ@s,.__                                                           ___.,s$$
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  585. ,g$ⁿ`                                                                        `S
  586. $'     Info File text made by  : Iron Eagle   Last Updated on : 01/02/97    j'
  587. S,     Info File Graphics made by : Skyknight                              .d',
  588. $$s,.___                                                             _.∙s@ⁿ'`,i
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